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Dayton Hamvention

Hamvention, held in Dayton, Ohio, is the largest gathering of ham radio operators in the world. For decades, the Hamvention was held at the old Hara Arena. But in 2017, the Hamvention moved to its new venue at the Green Country Fairgrounds in Xenia, Ohio. I attended the event on Friday and Saturday at the Hamvention but did not have a flea market space. I'm glad I didn't! As usual, it rained and the flea market was a muddy mess! 2017 was the last year I went to the Hamvention. But never say never. Since I'm now a pilot, who knows, I may fly down there!!I love going to this event but I'm tired of the rain and having to walk around the flea market in the mud was not fun for me. Here is a picture of the event site. It's a fabulous site but I just don't think the event organizers were ready for all the mud and what happens in the mud. I watched cars in the on-site parking almost get stuck in the mud. I'm sure by now they have figured it out. This event is still on every ham operator should go to. Below are some of the many pcitures I took over the years. Great memories!

Greene Country Fairgrounds
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